The divisional bench, comprising Justice Hima Kohli and Justice Subramonium Prasad, while hearing a petition filed by Rakesh Malhotra through video conferencing, noted that, “the window of one month given by the ICMR for the applicants to complete the procedural formalities, is too long.”
The Delhi University (DU) on Tuesday (July 14) informed the Delhi High Court that it will hold final year undergraduate online Open Book Examinations (OBE) from August 10-31.
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia today (July 11) said that the Delhi government has decided to cancel all upcoming semester and final year exams in all state government-run universities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Today, the Supreme Court bench of Justices Mrs R. Banumathi, Ajay Rastogi and Aniruddha Bose dismissed a bail cancellation appeal by Singh’s son Hemant, saying that it was filed without any proper ground and the order of Delhi High Court was declared proper.
According to a statement made by him on twitter, “regarding institutional isolation, only those COVID Positive cases which do not require hospitalisation on clinical assessment and do not have adequate facilities for home isolation would be required to undergo institutional isolation.”
Delhi HC Sought response of Centre, Delhi Govt, Delhi Construction Workers Welfare Board, CAG & ACB on a plea seeking CBI probe into alleged misappropriation of Rs 3200 cr Cess funds meant for construction and migrant workers under the Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996.
The Delhi High Court on Monday has Issued Notice to Delhi Government, Civic Bodies, NDMA in a plea filed by NGO ‘Mokshda Paryavaran Evam Van Suraksha Samiti’ which runs ‘green crematorium’ in the City & has offered to facilitate cremation of those who died due to COVID-19.