President Ram Nath Kovind on Tuesday elevated Justices Conrad Stansilaus Dias, Pulleri Vadhyarillath Kunhikrishnan, Thirumuppath Raghavan Ravi, Bechu Kurian Thomas and Gopinath Puzhankara, currently Additional Judges of the Kerala High Court, as the Judges of the Kerala High Court.
Mohammad Aslam will serve till January 14, 2023, Anil Kumar Ojha till July 1, 2022, Naveen Srivastava till December 19, 2021, and Anil Tyagi till December 3, 2022 from the date of assuming charge.
New Delhi (ILNS): The Ministry of Law and Justice has appointed 28 Additional Judges of the Allahabad High Court as permanent Judges of that High Court.