The Delhi High Court on Monday asked the Bar Council of India (BCI) to find out if the owners of a hospital in Dwarka, where a few beds were available, were willing to hand it over for COVID treatment.
In an urgent meeting with Bar Council of India and Supreme Court Bar association representatives, Chief Justice NV Ramana said that the court will tentatively reopen on June 28.
There is considerable hope and anticipation concerning Justice NV Ramana taking over as the next chief justice of India on April 24. India Legal spoke to internationally-known legal scholar, teacher and writer Professor Upendra Baxi, on what to expect.
The Chairman has also mentioned the impact of SCBA President’s call and how it could elevate the possibility of protest(s) in future by other associations of the country
The petitioner advocate Prashant Bhushan has also sought directions from the Delhi High Court to quash the said proceedings initiated by the Bar Council of Delhi.
The Council requests Ms. Brinda Karat and other like people with great respect to first examine and get acquainted with the facts of the case in question.