Allahabad High Court while hearing a petition directed the Babu Banarasi Das University in Lucknow to declare the results of the LLM students and to decide the representation of the petitioners taking into account the guidelines issued by the UGC as well as the Bar Council of India.
Supreme Court bench heard an appeal by the BCI against an order of the Gujarat high court, which allowed a woman to enroll as an advocate without quitting her job through an order in November 2020.
Kiren Rijiju, the Indian Law minister on Thursday said that the Bar Council of India has identified 500 sub-standard law colleges across the country which are not imparting education in right atmosphere and right way. To put an end or improve the standard a team comprising of some former Judge(s)/Senior Advocate(s) and noted academicians will be going to conduct surprise visits to such Institutions.
Apart from awareness programmes, capacity building programs, legal services camps, bike rallies, essay writing competitions, quizzes, painting competitions, moot court competitions, short film making competition.......