The Bombay High Court has taken stern action against the rampant proliferation of illegal hoardings, banners and posters across Maharashtra. It issued contempt notices to all political parties for defying the Court’s orders while responding to a PIL in this regard
In response to a PIL, the Bombay High Court instructed urban planning authorities in Maharashtra to link their official websites with the Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority portal within a period of three months. The Court said that the integration is imperative for establishing a streamlined process for verifying the authenticity of certificates submitted in real estate registrations, as envisaged under the RERA Act
Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud has strongly condemned a new tactic where multiple lawyers bring up the same issue to get a favourable hearing date. He had pulled up lawyers earlier in his bid to bring decorum to court proceedings, but such antics are fairly common in courts
The Bombay High Court has quashed an office memorandum issued by the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change which allowed project proponents to seek post-facto clearance for projects constructed in Coastal Regulation Zone areas in violation of rules