The Calcutta High Court on Tuesday directed a local police station to give protection to Sankari Das, a Bhartiya Janta Party member. Das had alleged she had become a targeted of post-poll violence because of her political affiliation. The order was passed by Justice Biswajit Basu on a petition by Das.
The case involves senior ministers and MLAs of the Trinamool Congress who have been left hanging through an interment order issued by the CBI, and a stay on the bail order for all four, issued by the high court.
The Assistant Engineer, Haldia Highway Sub Division, PW (Roads) , in the notice has indicated compliance of sub-section (3) of Section 10 of the said Act in the following manner:-
The Calcutta High Court on May 12 , while disposing a Petition of a Senior Citizen , directed the Concerned Authorities to inspect the health and condition of the mobile tower installed on the roof of the building of the petitioner.
The High Court observed that though the issues raised in the PIL has been diluted to some extent after the declaration of the Assembly result and the role of the Election Commission as on the date is over
Justice DK Basu former Calcutta High Court Judge has left for his heavenly abode. He was the famous petitioner in the landmark case titled as DK Basu Vs State of West Bengal in which the Apex Court had laid down guidelines that should be followed while making arrest.