The Supreme Court on Tuesday directed the Union government to file a reply on a public interest litigation (PIL), which alleged that women from marginalised communities in the states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan were subjected to illegal and forced hysterectomies
The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Central government to seek response from the Health Secretaries of Rajasthan, Bihar and Chhattisgarh within four weeks regarding the women healthcare crisis in these states
Supreme Court will constitute an expert committee to review the regulatory mechanism and suggest ways to protect the investors from incidents such as the recent Hindenburg-Adani issue, which led to downfall of Indian share market
Justice Sonia Giridhar Gokani, the senior-most judge of the Gujarat High Court, on Thursday was sworn-in as first female Chief Justice of the Gujarat High Court
Supreme Court takes in view drastic effects of Hindenburg report on shares of Adani group companies and Indian stock markets, directs Government of India to formulate a committee on whether the regulatory framework needs modification to protect Indian investors from incidents in future