The Delhi High Court today directed the Special Commissioner of Police to submit five orders or letters before the Court in a sealed cover within 2 days, which he or his predecessors has issued on receiving a complaint or representation in Delhi Riots Cases.
During the hearing Justice Bhushan commented that nobody should assume that exams would be suspended just because “we are hearing this. Nobody should be under the impression that they cannot prepare. Students should prepare for the exam.”
New Delhi: The Supreme Court bench of Justices Arun Mishra, BR Gavai, and Krishna Murari today, directed the Centre to explain why the smog tower project, envisaged to bring the pollution in Delhi under control has not been completed in time.
The Supreme Court today (July 17) refused to entertain a public interest petition seeking uniform education with common syllabus and curriculum for all children aged between 6-14 years, across the country.