Allahabad High Court while hearing a petition by Prahlad Singh directed the Chief Secretary, Institutional Finance, Government of UP, Civil Secretariat Lucknow and Inspector General of Registration, U.P to be present in the case of regularization of 392 clerks posted in the State Registration Department.
A notice has been issued to the Government of Uttar Pradesh by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on issue of police personnel stripping and assaulting a woman in Lalitpur.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday directed the Chief Secretary of Uttarakhand to place on record the corrective measures taken by the authorities, as and when required, to deal with the Dharam Sansad, scheduled to be organised in Roorkee on Wednesday.
Supreme Court bench of Justices L.N Rao and B.R Gavai was informed by the Amicus Curiae that majority of the States have not complied with the directions passed by the Court in its order dated April 20, 2021
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today, in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, requested him to withdraw the order recalling Chief Secretary Alapan Bandyopadhyay to the Centre and said that the state will not be releasing Bandyopadhyay, as directed by the Centre.
The Public Prosecutor, A. Rajesh submitted that according to the provision Section 17A of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, competent authority's previous approval would be necessary for conducting any preliminary investigation by the VACB.
The Supreme Court has told the Nagaland Lokayukta, Uma Nath Singh, to resign from his post in the wake of controversies. The bench headed by Chief Justice of India S.A.
The Supreme Court has asked the Union government to clarify what exactly its position is vis-à-vis CCTV cameras in police stations, because this involves the fundamental rights of the citizens under Article 21 of the Constitution.
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed the Chief Secretary, Rajasthan to monitor further remedial steps to deal with the deterioration of ecology at and around Sambhar Lake, Jaipur.