The row over Bengaluru and Hubbali Idgahs is another example of the centrality of religion in our lives and how it can be used for political purposes. What does the Constitution say about this?
A study has found that eight out of 10 inmates in prisons are undertrials. A majority of them are illiterate and poor with an alarmingly high number being Muslims, Dalits and Adivasis
The constitutional right to freedom of religion, which is also said to include the right to convert, has been taken up time and again by the Indian courts. The problem, however, arises when a person is forced or lured to convert to another religion
The overturning of Roe vs Wade by the United States Supreme Court has meant that the Constitutional right to abortion has been taken away; a severe blow to a woman’s ability to make decisions about her own body. The debate raging over this topic begs the question: What rights do women have in this country with respect to pregnancy and beyond?
The time has come when the Supreme Court collegium should be replaced by the NJAC comprising the members of the judiciary, the legislature and the executive who can select the best legal brains for judicial appointments. The observations by a former president on this issue are noteworthy
The recent Nupur Sharma issue had created superheated steam that blew the boiler room apart in the BJP offices. It should not have been, and could have been avoided, had there been some rules laid down by the party for those manning the frontlines.