A plea has been filed in the Allahabad High Court challenging the validity of PMNRF and PM CARES Fund. he petition has been filed by two advocates Diva Pal Singh and Advocate Anubhav Singh contending that the funds are contrary to the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF).
The Supreme Court on Friday has issued circular for hearing of urgent matters during the rescheduled summer vacation which will be observed from June 22 till July 3.
The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) has written to the Editor in Chief of Times of India, with reference to an article published in TOI titled "Crorepati Bleeding-Heart Lawyers Fail to Walk the Talk” clarifying its stand on the concerned issue and requesting TOI to publish the same.
The Delhi High Court has directed the government to upgrade and enhance the existing internet system within a period of 2 weeks, from the present speed of 34 MBPS to 1 GBPS in every District Court to ensure smooth hearings through video conferencing in the District Courts.