Delhi High Court directed District Magistrate the Nodal Officer of the Safdarjung Area to call for a meeting along with the SHO and visit the Hospital along with the representative of the petitioners in a plea challenging the Delhi Government order declaring Hospital as a dedicated COVID Hospital.
The Supreme Court will hear a plea on Friday seeking directions to enrol more private hospitals for COVID-19 post infection treatment and to frame mechanism to avail private hospital facility, as per the choice and affordability of the patient.
The Karnataka High Court today has been informed about constitution of a committee headed by Senior Advocate DLN Rao for collection of funds from the advocates for the benefit of Advocates' Clerks in need of financial assistance in wake of COVID-19.
The Punjab and Haryana High Court on Tuesday has directed the couple to deposit Rs. 10,000/- as a cost for not wearing the masks at the time of their marriage ceremony who had filed a plea before HC seeking protection from their family members.
The Delhi High Court on Tuesday has directed the Centre and the Delhi Government to place on Record the procedure currently being followed for contractors or employers to register migrant workers as also what are the procedures being followed for ensuring compliance.
The Petition has been filed by an organization "DOCTORS FOR YOU” which is a registered society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and represented through its President Dr Rajat Jain who is a medical practitioner.