The Maharashtra Government on Friday filed two investigation report in sealed cover in Palghar Mob Lynching Case before the Bombay High Court. The Court has adjourned the hearing on plea seeking CBI investigation for two weeks considering the fact that similar matter is pending before the Supreme Court.
The Delhi High Court on Friday has been informed by the ‘Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation’ (IRCTC) that for on-board catering service during the lockdown period tenders floated for special Rajdhani, Shatabdi & Duranto (RSD) categories trains and serving only pre-packed food
“Factors, such as Haridwar being a pilgrimage centre where people may gather in large numbers if such restrictions were not imposed, may have also weighed with the authorities in classifying it as a red zone earlier”, said by the bench of the Chief Justice Ramesh Ranganathan, and Justice R.C. Khulbe
Uttarakhand High Court asks, why the State Government has chosen not to give age relaxation, while selecting candidates for the regular posts of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors, to those doctors whose services were engaged, on a contractual basis, for the past several years.