A Delhi court on Friday has observed that fake encounters cannot be used to control crime while hearing the case of an alleged fake encounter where an accused was taken from his house and shot in his leg by Delhi Police officers. Appropriate authority/courts to decide upon the same and not to be dealt in such questionable manner by police officers.
The Civil Judge at Dwarka Courts in the national capital, issued summons in the matter while observing that prima facie case has been made out in favour of the plaintiff association. The Court, thereby, restrained the liquor vend from being opened in the alleged area till the next date of hearing.
Olympian wrestler Sushil Kumar was denied bail by a Delhi Court in the murder case of fellow wrestler Sagar Dhankar at Chhatrasal Stadium in May this year
Hindu Raksha Dal chief Pinky Chaudhary has been denied anticipatory bail. Chaudhary and a few others had raised communally inflammatory statements against Muslims during an event organised at Jantar Mantar. The court said the slogans raised by the group reflected their undemocratic attitude.
JNU student Sharjeel Imam, arrested for allegedly making inflammatory speeches during the protests against CAA, told a Delhi court on Monday that he cannot be hammered with sedition as his speeches did not call for violence.
A Delhi court on Wednesday cleared Congress MP Shashi Tharoor from all charges he was booked under, in relation to the death of his wife and businesswoman Sunanda Pushkar.
A Delhi Court has directed the New Delhi-Delhi State Legal Services Authority (NDDLSA) to grant Rs 2.5 lakh interim compensation to family of a nine-year-old Dalit girl, who was allegedly raped and killed, after which her body was forcefully burnt by a priest and three others.