Application filed by Delhi police says that accused Ashwini Upadhayay, Convener, Unite India Movement sent an email & also Preet Singh , President , Save India Foundation submitted an application requesting the DCP, New Delhi District to allocate them a suitable place and provide appropriate security.
A Delhi-based lawyer has filed a complaint against senior Congress leader Salman Khurshid with the Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana for comparing Hindutva with radical Islamist groups like ISIS and Boko Haram in his recently released book, Sunrise over Ayodhya: Nationhood in Our Times.
The Delhi High Court today will take up its suo moto matter concerning the shocking shootout that occurred inside the Rohini Court Complex on September 24, 2021, which left three people dead and one woman lawyer injured.
A single-judge bench of Delhi High Court adjourned the matter of Swami Chakrapani seeking Z Security on account of threat from underworld dons Chota Shakeel and Dawood Ibrahim as Delhi Police wanted to submit certain sensitive information, before the court.
The Delhi Police on Wednesday filed its reply in the petition moved by former Aam Aadmi Party Councillor Tahir Hussain, challenging the UAPA charges invoked against him in connection with the Delhi Riots larger conspiracy case in the Delhi High Court.