The Delhi High Court on Friday has asked Delhi Police to consider the application filed by organization IPOB seeking permission for peaceful protest outside the Uttar Pradesh Bhawan against the alleged illegal detention of two Nigerians by Uttar Pradesh Police, within a period of three days.
A petition has been filed before the Delhi High Court seeking permission for a peaceful protest before Uttar Pradesh Bhawan under the banner of #BlackLivesMatters against the alleged illegal detention of two Nigerians by the UP Police.
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has approached the Delhi High Court seeking quashing of an FIR filed against it for allegedly violating COVID 19 norms. The FIR has been lodged by the Delhi Police on a complaint by Delhi Government.
Delhi High Court restrained the Delhi Police from issuing any statements or circulating information regarding allegations and evidence allegedly collected against one of the founding members of Pinjra Tod, Devanga Kalita, or other accused to any person, including to the media or on social media platforms
Delhi Police has submitted its report in a plea filed by Sharjeel Imam in the Delhi High Court challenging the trial court’s order granting more time to police to file charge sheet against him under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).
The Delhi Police on Friday has filed two chargesheets against 19 accused in connection with alleged murder of two brothers during the communal violence in north-east Delhi in February.
Delhi High Court on Friday took note of frequent clashes between the senior law officers in the High Court over the issue of representing Delhi Police,