New Delhi: While a division bench of the Delhi High Court, comprising Chief Justice D. N. Patel and Justice Prateek Jalan was hearing arguments on a bunch of petitions seeking an investigation into police brutality on students of Jamia Milia University, Additional Solicitor General Aman Lekhi, the police counsel, said that the transfer of investigation is done in exceptional cases when Fundamental Rights are severely endangered.
The Delhi High court has rejected a plea by a lady seeking directions for issuance of scheduled caste certificate for her two children as she belong to that caste and her husband belongs to upper caste.
The Delhi High Court today directed private unaided schools to provide gadgets and internet connection to economically weaker section (EWS) students for attending online classes.
The Delhi Police had issued a challan of Rs 500 to a lawyer who was not wearing a mask while driving back home alone in his car. The lawyer has now moved the Delhi High Court, wanting this challan to be quashed and asking for damages of Rs 10 lakh for mental harassment.
Justice Prathiba M. Singh of the Delhi High Court has directed Delhi University to take a relook at its course structures and the eligibility criteria and modify the same, well within time for the forthcoming academic year.
The Delhi High Court has directed the media to show restraint and abide by the provisions of the Programme Code and other guidelines for their news coverage. The court said this while hearing a plea filed by actress Rakul Preet Singh....
The Delhi High Court today suggested that the Delhi government speed up its RT-PCR testing programme, because the Rapid Antigen Testing is unable to serve accurate COVID-19 reports.
The Delhi High Court today dismissed a petition seeking directions to conduct the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2020 as a home-based online test in view of the pandemic situation due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Muzaffarpur shelter home case convict Brijesh Thakur’s counsel has submitted before the Delhi High Court that the trial court had violated the right to a free trial as provided under the constitution of India by conducting the hearing in the matter in a hurried manner.