The Delhi's Tis Hazari court on Saturday granted interim relief from arrest to gangster-turned-activist Lakhbir Singh aka Lakha Sidhana till July 3 in connection with his alleged role in the Republic Day violence case in the Delhi.
A Special NIA Court in Delhi has asked Tihar Jail to submit a report on the allegation made by Rashid Zafar, an undertrial prisoner, who told his father on phone that he was brutally beaten up by fellow inmates and forced to say Jai Shri Ram.
The immortal line from the Bhagawad Gita goes on to be translated as “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”. We are seeing this now as Covid-19 and its many mutations and variants sweep across the globe, bringing death and relentless destruction.
The city was placed under total curfew/lockdown by the Aam Aadmi Party’s state government till April 26, in view of the exploding number of Coronavirus cases in the state.
The Delhi High Court on Monday directed the Central government to look into the shortage of supply of oxygen in the hospitals in the national capital at a time when the cases of Covid-19 are rising on an alarming rate.
Amid Pandemic’s another wave the Foreign National Doctor’s at AIIMS, New Delhi are still kept aside with respect to facilities like non payment of stipends, health care facility (Employee Health Scheme).