Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Devender Singh Aswal

Online Pedagogy: The Way ...

Online learning is the future. While it has advantages such as accessibility, affordability and flexibility, difficulties in downloading, slow net speed and digital inaccessibility should be tackled first.

A Healthcare Revolution

The landmark law will recognise the skills of over 56 types of frontline health workers, increase their employment opportunities and enhance their true worth within India and globally.

Arvind Kejriwal’s c...

The Delhi government’s move to have a new Board and to de-affiliate its schools from the internationally reputed CBSE is hard to justify. It will involve additional and avoidable costs too.

Jammu and Kashmir DDC pol...

The best school of democracy and the best guarantee of democracy is the practice of local self-governments,” said eminent historian and jurist Lord Bryce.

Vice-Chancellors: Caught ...

Recent actions against a number of vice-chancellors raise the question of whether disciplinary proceedings impinge upon the autonomy and academic freedom of central universities.

A New Language

In all the analyses of the policy recently approved by the Union cabinet, one element that has not been highlighted enough is its focus on the promotion of Indian languages, arts and culture.

Grassroots Empowerment

The online audit of gram panchayats for the first time is expected to ensure transparency. But for its complete success, high speed and uninterrupted connectivity are a must.

Digital Democracy

The corona pandemic has made traditional parliamentary proceedings hazardous. Parliaments around the world are adapting to the unprecedented health challenge thrown up by the spread of this deadly virus. Many Parliaments have become virtual or hybrid to facilitate remote participation by the members.

News Update

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