Saturday, March 15, 2025


Dilip Bobb

The New World Disorder

Covid-19, inflation, the conflict in Ukraine, rising energy and food prices, and the destructive impact of climate change are the most obvious signs to show that the world is entering an era of protracted turmoil.

Can Putin be put on Trial...

As Russian atrocities against Ukraine build, so do the calls to bring the perpetrators to justice amid increasing signs of what is classified as war crimes under the Geneva Conventions. The International Criminal Court is already in Ukraine to gather and verify evidence......

India and the Ukraine cri...

By Dilip Bobb New De...

Gandhi and the Spanish Fl...

By Dilip Bobb Author ...

How Twitter Protects VIPs...

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s twitter account was briefly hacked but restored almost immediately. A recent investigation by Bloomberg, the US-based financial services company reveals that Twitter has a project that protects VIPs and their accounts.

Slapp in the Face of Just...

A new type of legal action is increasingly being used by powerful people and governments to shut down criticism from activists, academics, whistleblowers, and journalists. This is officially known as a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, or SLAPP.

First person account: Los...

The immortal line from the Bhagawad Gita goes on to be translated as “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”. We are seeing this now as Covid-19 and its many mutations and variants sweep across the globe, bringing death and relentless destruction.

Priya Ramani case: The Po...

The verdict in the defamation case against journalist Priya Ramani by former minister MJ Akbar has resulted in one of the more enlightened judgments in recent times. It is a huge shot in the arm against the virus of male sexual harassment.

Big Tech: The New Superpo...

Thanks to the pandemic, Big Tech has emerged with huge profits and enormous clout over individuals and governments, including sanctions against the president of the most powerful country in the world. Have the Big Five collectively become the new superpower?

Putting trust back in Sci...

There are signs that the pandemic could have an unexpected positive side effect trust in science and those who are working to use it to improve our health, even save lives as the hope for a vaccine gathers pace.

News Update

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