President Trump has created dubious history with less than a week to go before he is replaced by Joe Biden. He has a been impeached with a losing score of 232 to 197 in the House of Representatives.
What was slated to be a protest march (#StopTheSteal and #MarchForTrump) turned into a riot as Trump supporters broke into the House and Senate chambers and roamed the halls of the capital complex, while others surrounded the building.
Just how angry President Donald Trump is with losing his presidential reelection was made clear Saturday in his own words when he spent an hour threatening the Georgia Secretary of State with vague assertions that would go away if only he would recalculate the state’s election count.
The pardoning spree by the US president has gone to absurd lengths and there is speculation he may even pardon himself, thereby kicking in a constitutional crisis. This power now needs wholesale legal engineering.
In the final days of his presidency, Donald Trump is playing Santa, gifting many of his friends and supporters with pardons and commutation to erase their criminal records, including over 60 this week.
The Trump Administration lost the US presidential election popular vote, the Electoral College vote, and then lost 59 court cases trying to overturn the defeat that signaled the end of a controversial president.
The court said Texas has no basis to file cases against Biden's victory in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The case was filed on Tuesday by Ken Paxton, the Republican Attorney General of Texas and Trump's aide.
If the latest effort by Donald Trump to overturn the US Presidential election were to succeed it would be the Neutron Bomb of legal affairs, killing million of votes but leaving the Supreme Court Building standing, with the justices alive but in questionable repute.