Saturday, March 15, 2025



Delhi High Court impleads...

A petitioner from Bangalore said that the pictures she has posted on Instagram and Facebook have been illegally lifted and placed by two respondents on a pornographic website, with derogatory captions.

Big Tech: The New Superpo...

Thanks to the pandemic, Big Tech has emerged with huge profits and enormous clout over individuals and governments, including sanctions against the president of the most powerful country in the world. Have the Big Five collectively become the new superpower?

Binoy Viswam plea against...

In the petition, Viswam had prayed that Indians’ right to privacy should be protected from being misused by “giant corporations” for their “financial ends”.

Even with the court’s bac...

Memories on the net are written in indelible ink. However much you want to forget and move on, even with laws permitting it, data is always available in some corner on the Internet, waiting to do damage.

Supreme Court to hear CPI...

The Supreme Court on Monday will hear plea by Communist Party of India MP Binoy Viswam, seeking direction to the Reserve Bank of India to frame necessary regulations to make sure that Indians’ data collected on UPI platforms is not exploited by companies like Amazon, Google, and Facebook.

IT Act: Making intermedia...

To relieve courts of cases relating to intermediaries, the government should have an elaborate grievance redressal process, starting with a designated ombudsman, mediation and later, adjudication.

5G: A Distant Dream?

Reliance’s plan of designing a 5G network is flawed as it needs infrastructure to facilitate large-scale networks, but its strategies to manage traffic patterns, pollution and electricity grids are vague

Techno-Nationalism: The N...

The new type of mercantile war links technological innovation and capabilities to a nation’s national security, economic prosperity and social stability

Risky Business

The doctrine of frustrat...

Stay Home Stay Safe! Not ...

Over the past few weeks,...

News Update

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