Kalyani Singh, the daughter of Himachal Pradesh High Court Sabina, who is officiating as the Acting Chief justice now, was produced before Special CBI Magistrate Sukhdev Singh who remanded her to four-day CBI custody, a Tribune report said.
Himachal Pradesh High Court observed this while dismissing two bail petitions from the case under Section 21 & 29 of Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act and Sections 181, 192 and 196 of Motor Vehicles Act, has been registered at Police Station, Sunni, District Shimla, H.P. dated 10.3.2022.
The Himachal Pradesh High Court has directed the Deputy Commissioner of Bilaspur to verify the assertions made by the petitioner in his representations for removal of obstructions and blockages over the public link road in question.
The Himachal Pradesh High Court has recently directed the Chief Secretary of Himachal Pradesh to examine an issue raised in a PIL on the construction of parking slot in consultation with other stakeholders and take appropriate decision as expeditiously as possible, preferably within four months.
Himachal Pradesh high Court dismisses petition by driver for transfer, the court says corporation shall not entertain much less consider and decide or act on such recommendations made by any of the Employees' Unions for non-consensual transfer of the employees of the Corporation.