Poetry sometimes is reflected in legal prose. Justice, like equality and democracy, is a word of ambiguous import and possesses a basic absolute meaning and plural relativist meaning(s).
Court orders are two-dimensional documents. The discussion and debate over court orders forms the basis of the India Legal show on APN News channel, all of which was moderated by Editor-in-Chief Rajshri Rai. In 2021, we covered some major topics that showed up on the legal landscape.
This year’s observation of the International Human Rights Day had a special significance for India. India got re-elected to the UN Human Rights Council for the sixth term with an overwhelming majority. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that this is an endorsement of India’s commitment to the human rights cause. “We will continue promotion and protection of human rights through ‘samman, samvaad and sahyog’,” he said.
The founding president of People’s Decade for Human Rights Education, Shulamith Koenig, believed that only a rights framework can encourage disciplined and socially responsible development through investment and trade
Justice Ramana’s humble beginnings have given him an insight into the suffering of the common man, which has also made him a champion of civil liberties. He has great empathy for those requiring protection of human rights. His tenure, no doubt, will be marked by compassion, expertise and wisdom.
The New Year eve announcement of the Indian Army appointing Major General Gautam Chauhan as Additional Director General (Human Rights) formally recognises the importance of human rights in military operations.
Custodial interrogation is the formal questioning of an accused or a criminal suspect in custody with the aim to obtain evidence or seek a confession in an ongoing investigation.
The Jammu and Kashmir High Court has said residents of Jammu and Kashmir, if having any grievance regarding violation of their human rights, may have to approach the National Human Rights Commission