Under the Indian Independence Act, this strategic district, which included Hindu majority Pathankot, was provisionally included in Pakistan. Though it was later awarded to India, it has never been away from the neighbour’s gaze.
As a grand Ram Temple comes up at Ayodhya, it is a moot question whether a challenge to any religious practice or injunction can or should be judicially adjudicated.
History has recorded nations carrying out their expansionist agendas with different outcomes. The face-off in Ladakh has shown China’s bid to annex Indian territory in open defiance of world opinion.
The need of the hour is to have a juridical yearbook with statistical data, details of courts, cases filed and timelines. This will help improve the quality of the justice delivery system and reduce costs
The civil service has become a body where public accountability has been shunned. The time has come to drop the doctrine of pleasure from the Constitution and have a doctrine of hard work and honesty for them
In this week’s edition, we present another thought-provoking piece by Retired Justice Kamaljit Singh Garewal who expertly dissects what the role of a prosecutor should be in the dispensation of justice.
Even as an All India Judicial Service is in the works, it’s time to strengthen law enforcement by an All India Prosecution Service which is independent, impartial and accountable like in other countries
It was Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a Russian novelist and philosopher, who on arrest asked the question: “Me? What for?” This has been retold in the opening page of his chronicle, The Gulag Archipelago. Solzhenitsyn suffered eight years’ hard labour in a Soviet prison during the Stalinist era