Karnataka High Court while hearing the petition observed that the State SC/ST Commission could not have directed the petitioner to regularize the services of the second respondent as Principal of Morarji Desai Residential School Arakeri since the Commission is not conferred with the Adjudicatory Power under the Karnataka State Commission for SC /ST Act, 2002.
A single-judge bench of Karnataka High Court said that trial Court order on an application filed by the wife under Section 125(1) CrPC can't be taken exception merely because the petitioner is ready and willing to take her back.
Karnataka High Court division bench while observing that even if the consent is said to be there, since the victim is a minor (aged 16 years) her consent become irrelevant , rejected the bail petition of the rape accused.
On perusal of the petition questioning the appointment of private respondents to the post of Inspector of legal Meteorology, the Karnataka High Court found that no public-spirited antecedents of the petitioner have been disclosed in the petition.
The Karnataka High Court directed the respondents to take stock of the existing cattle strength of the Magodu village and ascertain whether sufficient Gomal land and green pasturage as required under Rule 97 of the Karnataka Land Revenue Rules, 1966.