The Karnataka High Court has sent an Additional District and Sessions Judge of Mysuru, who granted bail to a dowry death accused, to the Judicial Academy for training, so that he could apply judicious thought process and exercise judicial discretion in future, before granting bail in heinous offences such as dowry death.
The Karnataka High Court on Thursday said that mediation was possible in the case related to petitions seeking quashing of Karnataka government order prohibiting them from wearing Hijab in educational institutions, only if both the petitioner and the respondents (State and College Development Committees) agree.
The Supreme Court has set aside the Karnataka High Court order, dismissing a petition against the election of Janata Dal-Secular's Prajwal Revanna from the Hassan Lok Sabha constituency.
The full bench of the Karnataka High Court will continue hearing on a batch of petitions challenging the hijab ban in educational institutions by the state government. The matter is before a bench comprising Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, Justice Krishna S Dixit and Justice JM Khazi. Earlier on Monday, senior advocate appearing for petitioners, told the High Court that government can't restrict fundamental rights in the garb of maintaining public order as he sought permission for Muslim girls to wear hijab in schools and colleges.
The Karnataka High Court on Tuesday resumed hearing on the petitions filed by Muslim women, seeking permission to wear Hijab and other headscarves to educational institutions.