The High of Karnataka has today asked the State Government to explain how after accepting the proposal of Isha Foundation to implement the Cauvery Calling project, it is allowing Isha Outreach to claim it as its project.
The High Court of Karnataka on Friday ordered that family courts cannot insist on personal appearance of parties if they have authorised legal representatives to appear on their behalf.
The Karnataka High Court today has been informed about constitution of a committee headed by Senior Advocate DLN Rao for collection of funds from the advocates for the benefit of Advocates' Clerks in need of financial assistance in wake of COVID-19.
The Karnataka High Court has granted bail to two men accused for selling watermelons which had fallen into a drain with an intention to endanger public health.
The Bangalore Mediation Centre, an initiative of the High Court of Karnataka has notified the basic protective measures against the COVID-19 during BMC hours in its premises.
The High Court of Karnataka has dismissed the petitions filed by Azim Premji, the Founder of Wipro, his wife and two others against the summons issued by an Additional City Civil and Sessions Court over the complaint filed by a Private company.