The Kerala High Court on Tuesday directed the State Government to submit a report as to whether the petitioner has been violating any provision of law by keeping birds as pets.
A Supreme Court bench while hearing the plea challenging the Kerala High Court judgment in a Gold Smuggling case has issued limited notice to examine the question of law involved in the matters only, and not interfere with the bail granted to an accused person in the case.
The Kerala High Court has asked the state to frame a policy for crowdfunding as it did not want the money to go into the account of private individuals who may or may not give it to those who needed it.
The Kerala High Court commented on July 07, while dismissing a Petition filed by a man alleging that his 'second wife' and son were forcefully converted from Christianity to Islam and detained by Therbiyathul Islam Sabha, a religious institution in Kozhikode, Kerala.
The transfer petition has been filed in Supreme Court by the Centre in the wake of pending matters before various High Courts across the Country challenging its new IT Rules.
The Public Prosecutor had opposed the application, stating that "medical officers, in spite of their diligent and devoted discharge of duty during the period of pandemic are at the receiving end.