The Kerala High Court on Friday directed the Commissioner for Land Revenue to consider and pass appropriate orders on the revision petition filed by the petitioner under sub-rule (8) of Rule 21 of the Kerala Land Assignment Rules within two months.
The Bench disposed the Petition while setting aside the notice, and providing the petitioner 60 days' time (till 31.05.2021) to give vacant possession.
The Joint Commissioner for Government Examinations rejected the application, stating that the petitioner can produce the Gazette notification as there is no provision or practice or rules providing for correction in the School Leaving Certificate.
The Public Prosecutor, A. Rajesh submitted that according to the provision Section 17A of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, competent authority's previous approval would be necessary for conducting any preliminary investigation by the VACB.
The Kerala High Court on Tuesday set aside a family court order, observing, “declaring a marriage null and void is a very serious matter because it wipes out a jural relationship”.
The Court has also rejected the challenge made by one of the accused against cancellation of his bail by the trial Court while stating that he had played a pivotal role in the alleged conspiracy.
The Supreme Court on Monday rejected the petition filed by a spiritual Guru challenging the Kerala High Court order dismissing a habeas corpus plea by the petitioner against alleged illegal detention from the custody of her parents.
The adversarial system confer the accused with the indefeasible right to cross-examine the prosecution witnesses and to let in defence evidence. This indefeasible right cannot be denied lightly.
The Kerala High Court closed the petition as the major portion of water coming from collegiate hospitals is treated from the 2 MLD capacity water plant installed in order to reduce the pollution level.