The High court of Kerala has kept in abeyance the transfer order of Honey M. Varghese, the Special Judge, Ernakulam, to Kozhikode who is at present trying a case relating to sexual assault of a female actor.
The High Court of Kerala has directed the District Collector to take appropriate steps to see that the victims of 2019 flood are rehabilitated to the project as contemplated initially without any further delay.
The High Court of Kerala has dismissed a petition seeking declaration of the Kerala Animals and Birds Sacrifices Prohibition Act, 1968 as unconstitutional, discriminatory and void.
The High Court of Kerala has issued a notification allowing partial relaxations on the restrictions imposed in the wake of the spread of COVID 19 pandemic to enter the High Court.
The Kerala police have rearrested a man who was granted bail a week ago after the Kerala High Court recalled the bail it granted to the accused who is charged with abduction, rape and murder of a 17-year-old girl from Ernakulam in January this year.
Justice Anu Sivaraman of Kerala High Court declined to entertain plea seeking directions to Centre to take effective steps to conduct mandatory RT-PCR test (Real-Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction test) on passengers not more than 4 days before embarkation process to India.