Thursday, February 27, 2025


KS Puttaswamy judgment

A Much-needed Step

The Bill has attempted to correct the anomalies of the 2019 Bill and includes measures for greater right to privacy and huge penalties for data fiduciaries who fail to take measures against data breaches 

Role of freedom of intern...

Internet is a powerful medium, if seen in the context of improving and strengthening democracy. The core research problem that shall be addressed in this research paper is the crucial role played by the internet, and also the access to it through various means, in the development and functioning of Indian democracy.

Pegasus and the laws

In the KS Puttaswamy judgment (August 2017), the Supreme Court recognised privacy as a fundamental right, including privacy of not just body but identity in the digital age.

News Update

Allahabad High Court dire...

Punjab and Haryana High C...

Forged birth certificate ...

Delhi Police Commissioner...

Delhi High Court directs ...

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