The High Court of Delhi has today adjourned the plea seeking financial aid for needy advocates in the form of ex-gratia of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Fives Thousand Only)
The Punjab and Haryana Bar Council has asked lawyers to not use social media for advertisements to solicit work, as the act would amount to misconduct.
The lockdown has left many junior lawyers in the lurch and they’re unable to fend for their families. It is time bar associations and senior lawyers helped them tide over this crisis
Covid-19 has had an unparalleled impact on everyday life, globally. Governments have issued instructions to self-isolate, entire industries and countries are in lockdown and new information is disseminated on a daily basis
The Registrar General of the Delhi High Court has written to the President of the Delhi High Court Bar Association regarding the opening of Lawyers Chambers situated in the High Court Complex.