The Madhya Pradesh High Court has observed that the employer is well within his right to keep an account of the past conduct of the employee while taking a decision on any service condition while dismissing the petition of a ministerial employee of the High Court.
The outgoing year saw the working of the courts hit by the second wave of Covid-19. Despite that, the Apex Court continued with virtual hearings and then physical hearings as things began to get better until Omicron came calling.
It is observed by the Madhya Pradesh High Court that for the petitioner, admitted in June 2015, the 5 years period expired in June 2020 but he couldn't clear all the papers. The University has withheld the result and has come out with a response that he cannot now be permitted to complete the course.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court recently directed the concerned forest authorities to consider and decide the petitioner’s representation within a period of 90 days where the petitioner is seeking correction in the date of appointment in the seniority list of State Forest Service Officers.