The PIL in Madhya Pradesh High Court has been filed by the Petitioners Avinash Khatri and others in the year 2009 with the prayer that the respondents be directed to restrain the pollution of the water reservoirs, ponds of Jabalpur city by immersion of effigies, idols, or any kind of hazardious material.
This petition was filed by Sudheer Bhai Rajput alleging that private respondents have constructed shops on land over which a high voltage line of 33kv is passing, which may pose health hazard to the residents of the area.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court has observed that a revenue authority does not have the power to determine the validity of a will while considering an application for mutation.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court has disposed of a PIL seeking criminal prosecution against the sarpanch of a gram panchayat, directing the petitioner to approach the Collector of Jabalpur for the same.
The Jabalpur Division Bench of Chief Justice Mohammad Rafiq and Justice Vijay Kumar Shukla while considering the submission held that there is nothing remaining to be done in the Petition.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court division bench disposed of the petition seeking action against misuse of public funds released under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and observed that the matter has remained pending before the High Court for the last 14 years.