The Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed the State Pollution Control Board, Jabalpur to carry out inspection to check whether pollution caused by the private respondent from their mines is being maintained within the permissible norms.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed the District Judge, Anuppur to nominate one of the Counsels for undertaking the exercise of proceedings of elections of the District Bar Association, Anuppur.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court has imposed a cost of Rs 50,000 on a petitioner for wasting the precious time of the Court by not inform it regarding the parallel proceedings going on in the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court on Thursday directed the state of Madhya Pradesh to prepare and publish on its website, a report of the schools that had complied or not complied with the order of the Madhya Pradesh High Court dated November 4, 2020, whereby the schools had been directed to charge only tuition fee, given the closure of schools during the pandemic and the interests of the employees who had to be paid salaries.
The Jabalpur Bench of Madhya Pradesh High Court recently, while disposing a Petition, directed the concerned authority to give benefit of maternity leave to Petitioner as per administrative instructions issued by General Administration Department.
The petitioner filed the plea in Madhya Pradesh High Court being aggrieved by the order dated July 13, 2021, whereby the services of the petitioner were terminated on the ground that he remained in custody for more than 48 hours.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court has imposed a cost of Rs 10,000 on the state government for not filing a compliance report of the High Court order, whereby Additional Collector of Katni was directed to finalise the pending proceeding within a period of one week regarding the release of the petitioner's JCB.