A bail application filed in Madhya Pradesh High Court was filed by Rajkamal Namdev who was arrested on 25/04/2021 in connection with Crime registered at Police Station Laour, District Rewa (M.P.) for the offence punishable under Sections 8, 21, 22 of the NDPS Act & Section 5/13 of M.P. Drug Control Act.
The petition in Madhya Pradesh High Court has been filed seeking direction for the police authority to make a proper enquiry and investigate the incident of the suicide of one Shankar i.e. nephew of the Petitioner.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court division bench has heard the bunch of petitions alleging that many construction works are being approved in Dumna Nature Park which is a protected forest area and approved area of Tiger safari .
The Madhya Pradesh High Court division bench said if a detenu is in custody at the time of passing the detention order, then it is necessary for the Detaining Authority to mention this fact in the detention order.
The Madhya Pradesh High Court has disposed of a petition filed by a Hindu girl, seeking police protection to her Muslim friend, while stating that neither her friend, nor his family, has asked for the same.
The Jabalpur Bench of Madhya Pradesh High Court has disposed of a Public Interest Litigation (PIL), alleging encroachment by private espondents on a government land.
The PIL in Madhya Pradesh High Court was filed for a direction to the respondents to remove the old construction of Katra Police Chowki situated on the main road.
The Supreme Court cancelled the bail application of a man accused in the murder case of Madhya Pradesh Congress leader Devendra Chaurasia, while stating that the country cannot have two parallel legal systems - one for the rich, powerful and politically influential; and the other for the common man.