The State of Tamil Nadu on Tuesday moved the Supreme Court against the Madras High Court order that gave permission to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh for carrying out its route march across the state on rescheduled dates
The High Court of Madras on Friday directed the Tamil Nadu police to grant permission to the proposed statewide march and public meeting by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in the state.
The Supreme Court on Friday laid out the reasons for rejecting the two petitions filed by Advocates from the Madras High Court against the appointment of Justice Victoria Gowri as an Additional Judge of the Madras High Court
Advocate Victoria Gowri, who became an Additional Judge of the Madras High Court on Tuesday, said that she would strive to liberate the marginalised and nurture fraternity in this diverse and beautiful land called India
The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected the two petitions that challenged the appointment of Advocate Lekshmana Chandra Victoria Gowri as Additional Judge of the Madras High Court, even as the latter was sworn-in to the post at the Madras High Court
Since the inception of the Supreme Court, there has only been a single precedent of the Apex Court quashing an appointment of a High Court Judge, after finding the recommendation ineligible
The Central government on Monday notified the appointment of five Advocates and two Judicial Officers as Judges to the High Courts of Karnataka and Madras
The Supreme Court agreed to hear tomorrow, a writ petition challenging the appointment of Advocate L. Victoria Gowri as Additional Judge of the Madras High Court