Are the pleas in courts about the constitutionality of the Act by Twitter an attempt to use social media as a vehicle to herald political change in India? Hopefully, the courts will see through the game.
The Supreme Court on June 29, upheld the constitutional validity of the Tamil Nadu Land Acquisition (Revival of Operation, Amendment, and Validation) Act, 2019 which was to be applied retrospectively from 2013.
On the last date of hearing, the court observed that there are several sections of citizens who require special attention and a detailed study is required to be conducted as to the initiatives to be taken to deal with such vulnerable classes.
DNPA, the publishers of newspapers, magazines and TV channels with websites, said they are already regulated by self-censorship. The new IT Rules will end up allowing the government to interfere with their functioning. The DNPA found lacunae in the IT Rules' classifying them with only-web media.
The Supreme Court dismissed a plea of extension of time for a period of a week sought by a woman to deposit Rs 8.3 crore with the registry of Supreme Court.
The Court is satisfied with the reasons assigned in the affidavit filed by the Investigation Officer for not being able to complete the investigation within six weeks as expected by the Court in the previous order dated April 30, 2021.
The State Government submitted that it has been asserted in the memorandum that only 2956 transgenders have been provided with the first lot of cash relief and there are a further 8493 transgender persons who are entitled to receive the same benefit.
The case of the prosecution is that on June 27, 2020, at 17.38:51 hours, the petitioner browsed, downloaded, and transmitted child pornographic material by using his Sim through his e-mail and Facebook account.