The Madras High Court recently recorded a settlement between celebrated music director Ilaiyaraja and the proprietors of Prasad Studios that would allow him a day to meditate in the music room where he composed his songs for the past 35 years as a condition to withdrawing cases filed over.....
A woman transfused with HIV-infected blood at a government hospital in December 2018 to be paid monthly monetary assistance of Rs 7500 by the Government says Madras High Court.
The Court also said every Advocate needs to maintain the grace and the dignity of the profession. One cannot wear T-shirt and Jeans and come to Court, the Temple of Justice.
The Bench was, however, skeptical of how useful limiting the hours for the broadcast of such content would be, given that the time schedule for children may not be the same in the era of online classes.
An advocate P. Bagyalakshmi mislead the inspector of police via a letter stating that the order passed by the Hon’ble High Court on 3rd December has been revoked by the Court on 4th December and the order can’t be enforced by the Commissioner of Police, Chennai.
The committee has also asked all the Principal District Judges, Principal Judge (City Civil Court, Chennai), Chief Judge (Court of Small Causes, Chennai), Chief Judge (Puducherry) to submit their suggestions in relation to the functioning of the lower courts by December 23.
A single judge bench of Justice V Parthiban while hearing the petition through video conferencing noted that "corrective measures are required to be initiated and completed by an impartial inquiry to allay the residuary apprehensions of some of the unsuccessful and aggrieved candidates.”
The bench on Thursday found that the affidavit filed by the Labour Commissioner contains a cliched, trite and commonplace expression of 'apology' accompanied by usual mundane deferential verbalisms not intended to convey true sense of regret for his crafty transgression.