The High court of Madras has directed the Judicial Magistrate, Kovilpatti, to conduct an enquiry into the alleged custodial death of the Father-son duo in Thootukudi District of Tamil Nadu.
The Supreme Court on Friday has said its Suo Motu order extending the Limitation period due to coronavirus-induced lockdown cannot be read to mean that it ever intended to extend the period of filing charge sheet by police under section 167(2) CrPC.
The Madras High Court has issued a notification informing the Coram and sitting arrangements of judges for hearing of cases through video conferencing.
The High Court of Madras has quashed a defamation case against Congress MLA, S. Vijayadharani for allegedly defaming former Chief Minister J. Jayalalitha in a public meeting held on September 29, 2015.
In a massive blow in its attempts to return to normal; functioning, at least three judges of the Madras High Court have tested positive for COVID-19 reportedly resulting in it deciding to restrict its functioning until the month end.
The Madras High Court on Tuesday expressed grave concern on spreading of COVID-19 infection in jail and posed queries to the Government over the preventive measures and treatment facilities for inmates.
The Supreme Court of India on Friday dismissed a writ petition filed by the Consulate General of Iran seeking issuance of Habeas corpus for bodily presence of the prisoners and their safety till completion of repatriation process.