The Delhi High Court has sought the Police response on a bail plea filed by Pinjara Tod activist Natasha Narwal presently in jail in the case related to communal violence in northeast Delhi during protest against CAA.
Former President Pranab Mukherjee remains on ventilator and in critical condition, following a brain surgery on Monday to remove a blood clot. Mukherjee, 84, who had fallen down at his residence, was rushed to hospital where it was found that he was also COVID positive.
The Vice-Chancellor of National Law University, Delhi has signed an order (of August 10) demoting Professor Jeet Singh Mann to Assistant Professor for a period of five years, with a bar on his promotion.
The Delhi High Court has today directed the authorities to consider a PIL as a representation, filed seeking rules to be framed for testing, certification, and launching of products claiming that they sterilize objects, including PPE Kits, infected/ contaminated of COVID-19 virus.
A PIL has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking directions to declare Section 2(f) of the National Commission for Minority Education Institution Act 2004, as arbitrary, irrational and against the Articles 14, 15, 21, 29 and 30 of the Constitution.
After requests received from various Bar Associations and State Bar Councils, the Bar Council of India (BCI) has extended the time limit for the supply of relevant information September 30 for training, as required by the E-Committee of the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court has issued notice to the center on a PIL, seeking an immediate ban on the use, installation, production or advertisement of disinfectant tunnels set up to curb the spread of COVID-19.
A single Judge of Orissa High Court stayed the transfer of the petitioner till disposal of his representation by Director General of Police, CRPF, New Delhi.
New Delhi: This year’s Common Law Admission Test (CLAT 2020) will be held from September 7. The exams will be centre-based and online and will be for both undergraduate and post graduate students.
A petition has been filed before the Supreme Court seeking withdrawal of Senior Advocate Dushyant Dave’s Senior designation for his arguments while defending Senior Advocate Prashant Bhushan in a contempt case against him.