The High Court of Karnataka has today directed the High Court Bar Association at Dharwad to make a fresh representation to the State Bar Council and State Government seeks financial assistance.
A single-judge bench of Justice B.S. Walia, agreed to the girl’s counsel, that: “The Passport Manual merely contains guidelines, thus the same cannot be used to deny mentioning of correct particulars regarding the name of the petitioner’s biological mother in the passport.”
The Ahmedabad Bar Association has written a letter addressed to the Chief Justice of the Gujarat High Court to open city Civil Courts for Physical Hearing.
Bhopal: Highlighting the huge risk that jail inmates in India are in amid the COVID-19 pandemic today, 67 positive cases were reported in a single day inside the Bareli sub jail in Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh, as per reports.
The High Court of Orissa has notified that the Court will have restricted functioning from July 20 to July 31 with limited number of benches by virtual mode.
Gang rape survivor who was sent to jail as a result of an argument before the magistrate during recording of her statement has been granted bail on Friday.