"The threat to human rights and bodily integrity are the highest in Police Station", the Chief Justice of India NV Ramana said at an event organized by the National Legal Services Authority of India (NALSA) on Sunday. He also inaugurated the legal aid app related to legal services.
The SC's repeated assertions on laws restricting habeas corpus, freedom of association, peaceful protest and dissent, particularly the untrammelled use of anti-sedition statutes and cyber regulations, is nothing new. Way back in 2016, I had offered a personal salute to Justices Dipak Misra
The first look of the Justice RV Raveendran's book anomalies of law unveiled on Saturday by the Chief Justice of India, NV Ramana. The launch were followed by the panel discussion. Talking about the book, the CJI said it covers procedural and substantive law relating to civil procedure, electoral reforms
The letter sought to bring it to the notice of the Supreme Court of India of the misuse of Section 498A, which has the power to deal with the peril of cruelty and doldrums a married woman faces in the form of dowry demands, which in many a case has led to the demise of the woman.
It was alleged by Poonawalla , that the Government premature celebration , unscientific approach and lack of foresight has led us to this Current catastrophe
The Association also requested to approve the temporary conversion of the Advocates Chamber Block in the Additional Supreme Court Complex for use as COVID Care centre
Justice Ramana’s humble beginnings have given him an insight into the suffering of the common man, which has also made him a champion of civil liberties. He has great empathy for those requiring protection of human rights. His tenure, no doubt, will be marked by compassion, expertise and wisdom.