Friday, February 28, 2025


Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act

Karnataka High Court allo...

While considering the Petition a single-judge bench of Karnataka High Court observed that Sub-section (5) mandates that every application filed under the Act shall be disposed of by the Court within six months from the date of its presentation.

For almost 3 lakh domesti...

Supreme Court said, "This court is of the opinion that these particulars are essential because the protection officers - like the magistrates who are tasked to the implementation of the enactment, have been conceived as the backbone to effectuate the law, enacted with laudable objectives, by Parliament."

Woman in child custody ca...

Delhi High Court dismissed the petition filed by a woman challenging the order of the trial court which had denied custody of her three minor children while stating that remedy of appeal is available under section 29 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.

News Update

Supreme Court reserves ju...

Supreme Court reprimands ...

Supreme Court pulls up Ch...

Supreme Court dismisses P...

ASI rejects demand for wh...

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