A local court in Gujarat's Gandhinagar district on Tuesday sentenced self-styled Godman Asaram Bapu to life imprisonment in a case related to repeated rape of a female disciple at his Ahmedabad-based Ashram
The Allahabad High Court has stayed coercive action against a 70-year-old resident of Varanasi, who was accused of rape, after observing that the Septuagenarian was not in position to move without support due to Arthritis
An Iowa court judgment ordering a teen victim of rape to pay $1,50,000 to her rapist’s family has brought into focus restitution law, which activists call harsh. In India, courts have often sided with the victim
Allahabad High Court while hearing a Criminal Misc Bail Application observed that the conversation held between the wife of the applicant/ accused and the brother of the prosecutrix would reveal that Rs 10,00,000/- were demanded by the brother of the prosecutrix for closure of the case.