Sunday, November 3, 2024


Sanjay Raman Sinha

Funding Conundrum

The apex court’s verdict on the Electoral Bonds Scheme signals the coming of age of a strong citizen rights jurisprudence in the country. Another laxman rekha has been breached, and for good, but is there an alternative?

Opening Political Coffers...

The apex court’s verdict...

Judges On Trial

Can judges be notched on a scale of efficiency and given the benefit of a tenure extension? While the government has reservations, the judiciary has no model to measure productivity

Draconian Intrusion

As the state becomes the first to implement its own brand of the Code, concerns are being raised against potential state vigilantism, moral policing and infringement of individual and minority rights 

Look Within

On the occasion of the 75th birthday of the apex court, the chief justice has rightly called for introspection on a number of issues, including long court vacations, adjournment culture and lengthy arguments which delay judicial outcomes

One, Two, Many

The Kerala High Court ha...

Minority Mess

Even though AMU is facing a legal battle over its minority status, it has been performing its constitutionally ordained duty. Is the challenge to the University symbolic of the crisis of secularism in India?  

Crossing the Laxman Rekha...

As courts become the are...

How Green Will Be My Vall...

Even as the global North pushes for a decarbonised regime, will it fulfill its commitments and hand-hold the South by giving it funds to transition away from fossil fuels?

Animal Instincts

As the Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal rakes in crores at the box office, questions are being raised about the unbridled violence and misogyny. Has cinematic license become an excuse for wayward filmmaking? How have the courts reacted to such cinematic excess?

News Update

The Pension Paradox

The Biter Bit

Aadhaar Not Proof of Age

The Scourge Of Trumpism

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