The verdict in the defamation case against journalist Priya Ramani by former minister MJ Akbar has resulted in one of the more enlightened judgments in recent times. It is a huge shot in the arm against the virus of male sexual harassment.
The top court had registered the suo motu case back in 2019 to examine the alleged conspiracy against the judiciary after the allegations of sexual harassment against Gogoi became public.
After that in 2013, the Central Government enacted the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act to protect workers in both formal and informal sectors.
A complaint regarding sexual harassment at the workplace was filed against the ex-judicial officer on July 5, 2016 itself by the woman officer of his court.
The Covid-19 pandemic posed an arduous challenge to the judiciary. Even as it struggled to ensure regular functioning, it managed to give some important judgments.
The Jaipur Bench of the Rajasthan High Court made observation if a person may be posted in Jaipur and acts on a digital platform harassing another lady who may be posted in a different state, it would come within the ambit of being harassed in a common workplace
The absence of eyewitnesses to the incident cannot detract from the credibility of the complainant as her statement is to be considered independently to determine whether it has a ring of truth or not.
The petition was filed by nine lawyers in the top court challenging a bail order issued by the Madhya Pradesh High Court where a man accused of sexual assault was asked to get a rakhi tied by the victim.