A tribute to the towering legal luminary whose integrity, intellect, and incisive wit left an indelible mark on the Indian legal profession and those privileged to cross his path
The apex court recently heard a PIL stating that the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, should apply to political parties. What is the current mechanism for political parties to handle complaints of sexual harassment? Are women in politics protected as they should be?
Chief Justice of India Sanjiv Khanna recently apprised the full court of the Supreme Court of the Collegium’s meeting with the Allahabad High Court judge. The Collegium had met the judge after his remarks targeting Muslims at a Vishwa Hindu Parishad event led to an uproar and Opposition demands for his impeachment
The Court’s admonition to a single woman for wanting to be a mother is debatable and begs the question if her marital status is more important than her financial means or mental health
Despite many companies having ICCs, sexual predators are let off and the victim told “to adjust”. Professional education must be mandatory for the police, MPs and civil servants
Writing has also often been trimmed of content so as to ensure it is politically correct. Recently Roald Dahl’s children’s books has been through such censorship. The problems arise when censorship extends to adulthood—often curtailing freedom of speech and expression.
There is a rainbow on the cover of this issue of India Legal. When our editorial team sat to discuss how best to illustrate the theme of our latest cover story, we unanimously invoked the rainbow—the Indradhanush. Why? Because nature in no other form depicts its “vibgyor” colours more emphatically than in the vibrant arc that cuts a swathe across the skies after a rain.
Government’s objection to Saurabh Kirpal’s appointment as a High Court judge because of his sexual orientation goes against the Constitution. Should a lesson be learnt from diverse benches of the UK and US judiciaries?