Saturday, March 15, 2025


Soli Sorabjee

CJI Chandrachud inaugurat...

The Chief Justice of Ind...

Snatched Away Too Soon

The second wave of coronavirus has been especially virulent and fatal. Like other professions, the judiciary too has lost many stalwarts to the pandemic.

CJI NV Ramana speech at S...

Former Attorney General for India and veteran jurist, Soli Sorabjee passed away on Friday morning. The 91-year-old Sorabjee was undergoing treatment in private hospital

Adieu, Soli!

I shared a warm and cordial friendship with this votary for human rights and multi-faceted personality. He not only protected the freedom to dissent but practised remarkable hospitality to public criticism.

Former Solicitor General ...

Former Attorney General and Padma Vibhushan recipient Soli Jehangir Sorabjee passed away today due to Covid-19.

Appointment of judges: Le...

A judge is defined as “a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court”. A modest, succinct definition. Ever since man created books of statutes, there have been judges to interpret them in the adversarial system of law that we have in most parts of the world.

“The State is Morally Bou...

In an exclusive interview, Former Attorney General Soli Sorabjee talks about the migrants’ plight, judicial activism and the Supreme Court

SC dismisses sexual haras...

The Supreme Court bench o...

A Great Enemy of a Judge ...

Former Solicitor General ...

“I was an average man”: J...

The retired chief justice...

News Update

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